Thursday, June 13, 2013



The first thing that came to my mind this morning was that today is your Birthday!        
  I hope I've been the first one to wish you because you're special for me.    
                                            Happy Birthday! ^^  



Thursday, June 6, 2013

Congratulations Graduation !!

I'm not a writer, but I wanna tell you guys I'm so glad we've been able to grow up and graduate together!

Now we are entering a new chapter and we are closing of a previous chapter in our life, I wish you nothing but the BEST in the future.
 I pray that god helps us achieve all our goals... 
We only live once so make the best of it while you still have it!! ;) 

I really gonna miss you guys, but I guess there comes a time when we all have to grow up and become adults and unfortunately, there will come a time we may not talk for a very long! But, always remember that I will always love you.. ~ ^^

 I know we have had ups and downs with each other, but I am really glad god sent you to me, I must say I've learned a lot from you.

 I guess it's true when they say god sends great people in your life for a reason! You guys are not just my friends, you are my family! I will never forget you guys... 
congratulations on your current achievement!
P.s: U don't have to write me back, I just wanted to congratulate u that's all.  :)